Around a week ago SCS pushed out update 1.36 bringing a large number of features and improvements, like removing DX9 entirely. In the early stages of the open beta 1.36 was still quite unstable and had a lot of issues causing issues in the map editor, which has affected our ability to update our modification for 1.36 version of ETS2, such as broken mouse movements that made our work on the update to stall or become significantly difficult.
Over the weeks the build stabilised and we started working on preparing our first beta. One of the largest issues we had was that we had to replace every single walker, as SCS was removing them and replacing them with movers. After a lot of work Mandelsoft managed to get a script to replace them all for us. Along with this, as you cannot open the editor through the game anymore and need to launch it as a separate application, Mandelsoft created a useful launcher which lets you launch the editor and let’s you add lots of parameters which can be found here.

Anyways, enough of the technical talking. We have now pushed an update which makes sure our mod works with version 1.36. HOWEVER do take note of the following: Due to the high complexity of the Road to the Black Sea DLC merge we have decided to overwrite all the new areas with our work. So for this version of ProMods the new DLC is not required. IF you do own the DLC, ProMods will overwrite ALL areas. This means that you won’t be able to enjoy the new Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey with ProMods enabled.
We are working very hard on merging the DLC with our mod, but sadly this is not an easy task. We have identified 14 connection points, of which 8 are major. Most of the roads we need to connect require special borders causing adding more complexity to the job. We will keep working on the merge but don’t expect an update soon. We will of course keep you guys posted on our socials about the progress of the merge.

Along with merging the new DLC, we are working hard on 2.5, which will be packed with new content, as well as on Canada. And make sure to keep an eye out on our social media and forums to see regular development news.

A special notice for the Turkish community. We understand very clearly that you are eager to see Turkey being added to ProMods. We had to prioritise making ProMods work with 1.36 FIRST, before we could add connectivity to the new DLC areas. Reaching the Turkish border has been a long term goal for ProMods and SCS managed to beat us to it!
We will work very hard in the coming months and hope to release a ProMods version with Turkey soon!
Türk oyun topluluğu için bir bilgilendirme. Promods haritasına Türkiye’nin eklendiğini görmek için hevesli olduğunuzun farkındayız. Promods’un 1.36 güncellemesi ile uyumlu hale getirmemiz, yeni DLC yolları ile bağlantıları sağlamamızdan ÖNCELİKLİDİR. Türkiye sınırına ulaşmak Promods’un uzun zamandır amaçladığı bir hedefti ancak SCS bizi bu konuda alt etmeyi başardı!
Gelecek aylarda hırsla çalışıp kısa zaman içinde Promods’u Türkiye ile birlikte yayınlamayı umuyoruz!