ProMods 2.45 brings in the “Road to the Black Sea” DLC content and has been in development for quite a while now, so we did not want to withhold release any longer. We have decided to release version 2.45 for ETS 2 build 1.36 as that is the current and official version. Since SCS will bring a completely new sound system to the upcoming build 1.37, it may take some time until we can release a compatible version of our map.
The Balkan Merge
The main purpose of this release is the Road to the Black Sea DLC merge. This new DLC has been integrated, and is therefore now mandatory to use our mod.
In order to successfully connect the new areas, more than 10 new borders have been created, between the areas by SCS and our work in Ukraine, Serbia, North Macedonia and Greece. Alongside the new border routes, we have also added a few new cities in the Balkan region including the new country of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Northern Rescale

Another major technical adjustment that has finally been integrated is the northern rescale. Changes in the map projection by SCS a few game versions ago had particularly large effects at high latitudes, leaving cities in the far north (i.e. Russia, Finland and Norway) displaced to the south. This meant that the cities had to be moved northwards and several roads had to be extended.
At the same time, some of the roads received refurbishment or rebuilding with newer textures, vegetation and road signs to enhance the quality of these areas. We can now finally show the results of our efforts.
New Content in the Middle East
In addition to ProMods 2.45, we have prepared a new version of the Middle East Add-on for you to enjoy, which contains major improvements in the previously included countries, whilst also expanding to 3 new countries and over 20 new towns that are spread out throughout the Middle East region for you to freely explore.
The expansion of both existing and brand-new countries will enhance the authenticity and atmosphere of this region by providing players with a range of climates, scenery and an individual feeling in each area – from scorching and desolate Iraqi and Jordanian deserts over hundreds of kilometres of highways with no settlement in sight, to lush farms and the Mediterranean climates of northern Israel and Syria.

General improvements in the previously released areas include increased quality and aesthetics of the towns, such as the removal of old rocks and other assets, as well as correcting regional road markings. In addition to that, we have also prepared some very unique police vehicles, which were selected to provide an authentic look for the region.
Lastly, the land connection from Lebanon to Israel is now available by travelling via Jordan and Syria, decreasing the need for the ferry service via Cyprus and preventing any inconvenience for players who have to travel to/from Lebanon.
Other Changes and Improvements

Last but not least, we have tweaked several areas around the map and added a new city in Czechia. We have also fixed several (major) bugs including the invisible walls in Rotterdam and Milano. Rest assured that much more new content across the map will come in ProMods 2.50!
Ludwig Zünd says:
Ich habe die Version ETS 2 s und habe Pro Mods 2.45 runtergeladen und installiert doch im Mod-Manager wird mir diese Version als inkompatibel angezeigt. 2.44 läuft ohne Probleme. Was habe ich falsch gemacht bzw. was muss ich noch machen, damit 2.45 läuft?
Stummer says:
Hast DU auch alle Karten-DLC? Bei der 2.45 ist auch das “Road to the Black Sea” notwendig.
HansGünter says:
Echt schade, dass man zwingend alle DLCs benötigt:( Habe immer gern auf der Promods gespielt, sehe es aber nicht ein nochmal so viel Geld für ein DLC auszugeben. Die 2.43 wird ja vermutlich nicht mit 1.37 kompatibel sein?!
Stummer says:
Mit dem ETS2 Update auf 1.37 wird sich einiges ändern, dass auch Anpassungen in der ProMods mit sich bringt. Daher wird dann auch ein ProMods-Update nötig sein.
Und wir setzten alle Karten-DLC aus zwei Gründen voraus:
1) Wir müssten ansonsten für alle möglichen DLC-Kombinationen eigene Map-Mods erstellen, was einen unzumutbaren Verwaltungsaufwand mit sich bringen würde.
2) Wir verwenden in unserer Mod die Vegetation, Gebäude und sonstige Elemente aus den entsprechenden Regionen, also den Karten-DLC. Würden wir darauf verzichten, könnten wir nur die Gegenstände aus dem Basisspiel verwenden.
Tristan says:
My promods 2.45 keeps crashing or freezing halfway during loading……. My PC supports both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the game and even updating to dx11 is not helping……
Ward says:
Hi guys, i have a question. Why van I not go to Syria in the map of promods?