With the recent update of Euro Truck Simulator 2 to 1.26 and the release of “Vive la France !” DLC, we had to release a compatibility update of our map. But we know that many people won’t buy the DLC in the early days, so we have built two ProMods versions:
- Version 2.12 for ETS2 1.26, with no requirement for “Vive la France” DLC
- Version 2.15 for ETS2 1.26, but “Vive la France” DLC is a requirement
While version 2.15 features all of SCS’s new map content, including rebuilt Paris, our 2.12 version is simply an updated version of 2.11, which means you should expect the old version of Paris and France.
So you can continue to enjoy ProMods with the current ETS2 version, independently when you plan to get your copy of “Vive la France !” DLC. But keep in mind, that all future versions of ProMods will require all three map DLC – including “Vive la France !”.
[button color=”orange” url=”https://www.promods.net/setup.php”]Download ProMods 2.15[/button]
[button color=”orange” url=”https://www.promods.net/compat.php”]Download ProMods 2.12 (no France DLC required)[/button]
svetlio says:
hi nice maps and mods!
yeelru says:
its says to me that promods 2.12 is not compatibel with ets2 1.26.3
Stummer says:
Please report your problems here – including a copy of your game.log:
Red says:
I have ETS2 with Vive la France. Which Promods do I install?
Stummer says:
Did you even read the blog post? 2.15
pawel20x20 says:
How I can get 2.12 def file ?
Now there is only way to make 2.15
Stummer says:
The DEF generator in our download pages has an option to create a 2.12 or 2.15 version:
Jesen says:
ich kann promods nicht installieren.liegt das daran das ich die france und scandinavia nicht habe. habe nur Going East!
hokkis says:
I can’t find the def file for 2.12 anywhere. Can you help me?
Mike says:
Please link for installer promods 2.10 (1.24) !!!
jöns says:
2.12 I get only empty files
Stummer says:
Please try it with another browser.
beejay basham says:
i am have problems with the map the roads are’t in the country they are to one side an i have any help plz
Stummer says:
That’s an issue with a wrong loading order of mods.
David F. says:
How long will version 2.12 be available? Will it get deleted when the next update comes out? Thanks.
Stummer says:
Usually our old versions stay available:
David F. says:
Thanks! I love the effort you put into creating this excellent map mod.
Mike says:
Is promods 2.11 compatible with the version of 1.24x???
LolaDnepr says:
No, ProMods 2.11 is only compatible with 1.25
Mike says:
where to take off promods 2.10?
Niklkanikl says:
Is the Version 2.15 compatible with the TSM Map?
Stummer says:
No – ProMods annd TSM are incompatible.
Jimmy says:
So if I install 2.15 and I have the France DLC, what do I get exactly when driving in France?
Is all of the Promods France content replaced with the France DLC content, or is it merged? What about cities that exist in Promods but not in the France DLC and vice versa?
Stummer says:
You will get the SCS version of France (from the DLC). But we are working on merging our France with the DLC like we did with Scandinavia:
Jens says:
ich habe 2.15 geladen und so gemacht wie es beschrieben wird,wenn ich in ETS2 die Mods acktivieren will steht inkombitabel und roter punkt,habe nur die einfache karte ohne DLCs
Stummer says:
Version 2.25 benötigt ETS2 1.26 sowie alle Map-DLC: “Going East!”, “Scandinavia” und “Vive la France !”.
Bei unserer Version 2.12 wird “Vive la France !” nicht benötigt.
Simon Tennent says:
Hi, I’ve got ETS2 with dlc for France and Scandinavia. I have downloaded the paid version of 2.15. I have put the Def folder inside mod folder. But it doesn’t show up in mods manager in the game. I bought game on steam & can download mods from steam workshop that show in same folder. I’m running windows 10 64bit
Stummer says:
You need “Vive la France”, “Scandinavia” and “Going East” for using ProMods 2.15
Leroy Bullied says:
I would be easier to install this in the mod manager if there was a load order list in the text document.
liviu says:
hello,I have a problem with damage of the truck and cargo on some roads,it damaging with no reason.It’s an issue or something is wrong with my mod ?
Leonardo Pires says:
Não estou conseguindo baixar a versão sem a França,os arquivos estão corrompidos.Me ajudem?
Leonardo Pires says:
Here is not working at 1.12. What do I do?
Stummer says:
You need “Scandinavia” and “Going East!” for ProMods 2.12 – and additionally “Vive la France !” for 2.15
Leonardo Pires says:
I have the Dlc Scandinavia and Going East, except that the files in version 12.2 are all corrupted when extracting
Florycel says:
I downloaded the archives (the free ones), but they are not opening with WinRar. What can I do?
Leonardo Pires says:
Já troquei de navegador e nada,poderia reupar os arquivos no mod?
Leonardo Pires says:
I have already changed browser and nothing, could I reupload the files in the mod?
micha says:
hallo ich bin hier völlig neu wenn ich diese version runterlade oder die europakarte dann habe ich weder italien noch spanien ect drin -.- brauche dringend hilfe….bei mir kommen auch beim download sofort scs datein raus keine archive….winrar aber vorhanden ect
micha says:
also weder italien noch spanien gar nix
HERVE says:
Bonjour.je trouve dommage qu’il est retirer la ville Rouen Orleans Tours Caen etc…. et ou est le périphérique de Paris. A par ça tres belle carte.
ha voir aussi le problème de Calais au niveau de la route ou les voiture disparaisse. et il ya un mure invisible a l’entrepôt on ne peut pas accédait pour metre la remorque a l’emplacement prévu, serait il passible de le rectifier.merci
Mikołaj says:
Najfajniejsza strona z modami
tino81 says:
Je viens de télécharger et installer la nouvelle version ETS2 Vive la France V1.26.2.4. Par contre je n’arrive pas à mettre la map promods V2.15.
Il y a un problème d’incompatibilité.
Merci pour vos informations
cj says:
I have scandinavia dlc wich one i download
Philip says:
please def 2.11,Compatibility link does not work
Dabie says:
Guys I would like to know what to do with the compatibility patch after i downloaded it
Selmaviktor says:
hallo when come the update 1.32
Stummer says:
We’re still working on it.