Scandinavia DLC Review

Today the information embargo on the Scandinavia DLC ended, hence the huge amount of information that all of a sudden hit the internet.

The coming weeks we will reveal more insights of the DLC by showing certain areas with screenshots and videos.

However our first post about the DLC will be more of an insight of the huge challenge we are facing. We already posted an article about this and now it’s time to go into more detail. We have collected some screenshots and compared them with our own areas. We will also show the world map and discuss what the best strategy will be once we get ProMods converted to the DLC. This conversion can also be influence by YOU, the daily user of ProMods. We will open a new sub forum where you guys can post what you think needs to be changed. We already have alot of ideas but we might forget certain things. This way we will try to make sure that the Scandinavia DLC will be even better with ProMods installed.

So let’s get to the details. First a couple of pictures from the DLC (These pictures are taking on locations that do not exist in ProMods or look completely different.)

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Scandinavia DLC Teaser

The trailer for SCS’s DLC looks amazing. However this DLC will prove to be one of the biggest headaches here at ProMods.

We already saw alot of the DLC’s development over the last months and had access to it for some time as well. Still we can’t yet start on adding it to ProMods, as SCS will keep changing alot of things in the course of their beta testing. Every build can have numerous fixes in the map, signs etc etc. So we need to wait for SCS to release the DLC before we can even start with adding it to ProMods. And that is not even the start…

… Because we, as ProMods, have been updating our Scandinavia constantly. Some of our parts are very old and starting to get outdated (Norway for example). Other parts are fresh and new (Stockholm and Jutland). So we now need to decide what we want to keep. We weren’t overly impressed with SCS Denmark, so that is an area we could keep from the ProMods map. However, in Denmark, there are still cities which are very outdated because the majority were build in ProMods 1.0, back at the start of 2013!

Stockholm will be a huge headache as well. Our city is a lot truer to life than the SCS counterpart, but their Scania factory is a lot better than ours. And then there’s the matter of the Scania test track.

All these decisions and having to wait to make them, will only ensure ProMods won’t be updated soon after the release of the Going North DLC. Our users will have to be patient. They either going to have to play ProMods on an older version of the game, without the DLC, or they can start exploring the DLC without ProMods and wait for us to release our improvements.

As always we can’t predict a timeframe/release date. It will be ready when it’s ready, but we estimate 2 – 6 months to get our map adjusted to the DLC.

Update of ProMods 1.91 Available!

ProMods 1.91

We updated our map with version 1.91 to fix several bugs and issues like inactive tollgates, vanishing AI and invisible walls. The crash at the truck dealer in Valga and the Liechtenstein license plates have been fixed, just as many minor fixes all over the map.

In addition, we added new effects to streetlights: They now are amber coloured instead of white.

You can download the updated version from our download site. And don’t forget to generate a new DEF file, since we made some changes there too!

[button color=”orange” url=””]Download Version 1.91[/button]