We are excited to share with you that the compatibility update for 1.19 is finally ready. Now you can enjoy the improved ProMods Map on the latest Euro Truck Simulator 2 update!
When patch 1.19 of Euro Truck Simulator 2 came out, SCS changed some file formats which required updates to map mods – again. ProMods 1.96 is mainly a compatibility update, however we also did some bug fixing all over the map to improve the quality of our work.
Another issue we had to solve was that with the 1.19 update two new Hungarian cities were added to the Going East DLC: Pécs and Szeged. This pushed us to come up with a solution to connect our Slovenia to the new areas of Hungary via the Slovenian A5.
However, this also means that from this point, the Going East DLC will also be mandatory to run ProMods. There would be no other way to connect the areas mentioned prior, without having the Going East DLC. Without it many bugs would arise. Furthermore maintaining two versions of our mod pack would be extremely tedious and hard to handle, plus it would severely disrupt our future plans! Due to the fact that the Scandinavia DLC is already required since ProMods 1.95 we finally made the decision to make both map DLCs mandatory from this version onward:
ProMods 1.96 requires both the Scandinavia DLC and the Going East DLC!
[button color=”orange” url=”http://download.promods.net/”]Download Version 1.96[/button]
To update your copy of ProMods 1.96, don’t forget to create a new DEF file, since we’ve made some changes there too.
Work continues on ProMods 2.0
We now reset our focus to developing ProMods 2.0 which will be our biggest update in ProMods history. In saying that, the current status of the project is still a huge work in progress and it doesn’t allow us to predict an achievable release date just yet. So to tame your expectations, ProMods 2.0 will not be available within the next few months.
As we already announced Radol and his team joined us and Poland Rebuilding will be a permanent project in our further ProMods updates, which gives Poland the love it deserves. With the Scandinavia Merge, we combine the best out of the DLC’s Scandinavia and the former areas of ProMods’s Scandinavia – from Denmark, Sweden and Norway to Finland.
We’re also proud to introduce seven new countries:
- [flag country=”es”] Spain
- [flag country=”ad”] Andorra
- [flag country=”ro”] Romania
- [flag country=”bg”] Bulgaria
- [flag country=”md”] Moldova
- [flag country=”lt”] Lithuania
- [flag country=”lv”] Latvia
And last but not least, many improvements on roads, cities, signs and details all over the map!
Stay tuned for further information by visiting the development topics on our forums or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Google+!
Many thanks for your support!
Best regards from your Promods Team